Sunday, November 1, 2015

Moving forward...

The pope has left Philadelphia and I did not get the new job so onward we go!   I reached out to Lori at Dr Tunjays office to find out the next steps.  It was time to take an impression for the device I will need for SARPE surgery. The appointment was set up and back got the ortho I went.

Getting the impression done was nothing really..bite on some waxy gummy stuff..and off to the manufacturer the mold went so my device could be made.  I made an appointment for 2 weeks later to have the device placed and started working with the scheduler at Dr Taub's office.  I had my ore-surgery visit and test scheduled for Nov 2nd and my surgery is scheduled for Nov 11th.

Lori is really great about telling me what to expect.  The biggest part of this first  step of SARPE surgery is the gap that will become very evident.  As Lori said..we need to go through some ugly before we get to the pretty.

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