Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Pre-Admission Testing..

Yesterday as a very long day.

I started my day with a nice breakfast downtown.  My first appointment was at 1010 at per-admission testing.  They tell you to expect to be there 2-3 hours..99% of it is just sitting and waiting.

I arrived at 10:00.  They took me back to a room at about 10:50 and got me registered- insurance etc etc.  I waited almost an hour for the next person, the nurse practitioner, to arrive.  She does a review of your medial history- medications, physical exam.

As we reviewed my medication she instructed me to stop anything over the counter I was taking- well I had just started taking- extra Vitamin C- Zinc and Bromelain to help with my healing. When she told me to stop- she said 'Does that make sense"  and I said well no it does not at all since the reason I am taking them is to help my healing process....She said that it was really a standard instruction they gave everyone and that I should check with my surgeon to see what he says.

Anesthesia was next..  He came in about 20 minutes after the nurse practitioner left.  He does a quick exam and asks a few questions. He said based on my mouth opening and I am not really sure what else he see some challenges and that they may have to start while I am awake...I assured him this was not the case last time.  He said he would go back and check my post-surgery records to see.  I can just imagine it is not pleasant.

Then the nurse came in to take some blood...which I assume she does all day every day.. can you believe she missed on the first try and the proceeded to wiggle the needle around!  She got it on the 2nd try- but the bruise she left is HUGE...

Next off to the surgeon’s office.  This was another three hours or measurements- molds pictures - xrays etc.

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