Tuesday, April 11, 2017

14 Weeks Post Op

it has been a few weeks with no updates...mostly because not much is going on but also because life has gotten in the way...Work, Play, Buying a new car,, planning vacations...All the fun stuff!

So here is the latest update..I went to the orthodontist on April 3rd.  They did a scan of each tooth with the sure smile machine which creates a computerized 3rd image.  Dr Tunjay will then determine the movement that is needed and do it digitally - the 3d image with the desired movements will be sent to the sure smile lab and they will make the wires to make those movements happen.  He does not seem to think there is much movement to do.  He needs to have Dr Roberts do some work on my crowns..since they cannot be moved. I am thinking we are in the final stretch!

One side of my mouth and teeth are still pretty numb.  The teeth on my right side feel numb and I can't really chew with them..which is causing that side to still be pretty tight- which is causing my botton jaw to shift a little to the left since the left side is getting looser since I do all my chewing on that side.  So I am wearing bands at night..a box shape and a diagonal one to help shift my jaw into the right position...

My Next visit to both Dr Tunjay and Dr Taub is on May 1st.  My new wires should be in by then..unless they come in sooner...

All for now...

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