So today was my latest visit to the orthodontist..He mentioned that my gap was not closing as quickly as he would like and I mentioned that I am also getting a little sick of looking at it. I mentioned that I would be seeing Dr Taub in a few weeks and his first though was to ask Dr Taub if he could close the gap surgically to get my surgery date sooner..I was not a big fan of that idea..I did not feel that rushing that process was the right ideas..I said I was fine with surgery in November or December which would actually be best for work and if we needed more time that was fine.
He then mentioned there was another option to make things move along a little quicker. When you have a wound blood rushes to the area which will make the teeth move quicker so out comes the word of the day PROPEL. which is the process of drilling little holes or wounds in my that the blood rushes to that area to heal and power chaines are then put on every week to get things moving a little quicker.
Since I am already a huge fan of the power chains...not ...I can tell this is going to be lots of fun!
I just keep telling myself that it will all be worth it in the end...
My orthodontist..
Following your blog as I am set to have my SARPE surgery in September :)