Thursday, February 18, 2016

Braces today !

Now I wouldn't say I am e cited about getting braces..but I am excited to move on to the next step in my journey and get this gap closed!   I so. Look forward to the day of actually taking a bite of something..,anything really.

I will be getting clear on the " social six" upper front 6 teeth and metal on the rest.  It will take 2-3 months to slowly close the gap and I am hoping 6-8 months total in see to be most other people whose blogs I have read have the 2 nd surgery about 1 year after the first.

For now I will still have a fake tooth to fill the gap...maybe a pic later today...I took the day off tomorrow too to get used to the braces and my new look which I do not foresee being happy about all towards the greater good...

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